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Business tourism in Poland

Napisany przez www.e-konferencje.pl, dnia 2008-08-21 11:41:29

People were always travelling and visiting the farest places of the word, they just wont to meet new civilizations, community, history of countries or continent but also they wont to buy or exchange different goods. Travels always makes that people develop their view of the word, but it first of develop trade and industry. Nowadays, travelling become more popular and all of every kind of business meetings were named business tourism.

People were always travelling and visiting the farest places of the word, they just wont to meet new civilizations, community, history of countries or continent but also they wont to buy or exchange different goods. Travels always makes that people develop their view of the word, but it first of develop trade and industry. Nowadays, travelling become more popular and all of every kind of business meetings were named business tourism. 

Term - Business tourism – means every kind of activity connected with business meetings. It could be quick and short meetings but also long, couple days conferences in main cities in Europe. Sometimes, in the biggest conferences take a part several thousands of people, so for the organizers it is huge challenge.      

All of those meetings give to participants chance to: exchange their idea, experience and new technologies. It helps to develop: business, industry and society. Business meeting are also fairs and exhibitions which are part of business tourism. Most of all business tourism is associate with big cities, in Poland the most popular cities are: Wroclaw, Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan or  Gdansk.


There are several profits which brings business tourism. It gives employment and improve picture of cities. Hotels, restaurants or shops increase their profit in the time of fairs or international conferences.




Użyte tagi: business tourism, conference, fair

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